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696805963 (Elena) - 649275941 (Miguel)


Agregado Puerto Blanquillo, s/n, 18311, Loja, Granada
... in the heart of Andalusia 
In the countryside
Quiet and secluded 
Renovated farmhouse
Fully equipped for up to 10 people. 
I would stay in this paradise of the Sierra de Loja in Granada. It breathes peace and tranquility. Cottage of 10 over 10.
Taylor Jackson
Family visit from London
I will not forget the week we spent with my friends. Fun, good times and rest in this privileged environment.
Clara Berg
Group visit from Germany
I knew more or less what a cortijo was, but I could not imagine that there could be so many amenities and this quality in the midst of nature.
Calvin Bond
Family visit from Dublin, Ireland